
Fable 3 - A Hater's Review

Things We Liked:
King of Albion - you can finally seize the throne in Fable 3
Decision Making - you make many good/bad decisions along the way
Albion is Ok - slightly less quirky than before, but a decent re-adaption with old locations popping up
Graphics have made a slight improvement since the last game

Things We Didn't:
Decisions are too Obvious and Trivial - they do not really affect the ending
Characters are Boring - you don't care about characters you're supposed to
The Sanctuary - you can't pause the game properly (more on that in the in depth review)
Combat is Easy - a return of the combat in Fable 2 but with massively over powered spells
Weapon Augments are Annoying - you morph your weapon, but need to complete annoying tasks to do so
World is tiny - half the world size of Fable 2, maybe even less
Locations Have been Altered Too Much - Brightwood/Bloodstone has gone from a dying port to a pleasant country village? Really?
No 'Enemy Areas' - all provinces include a city and are only like 50m across, so... no enemies except in scripted quest events
Even More - see the in depth for more ranting

Rating - 3/10


I'm going to start this review with a list - all the things Fable 3 did wrong. It's a pretty big list.
  1. The Sanctuary - the pause screen is a room. To equip a weapon, you need to load up the sanctuary, walk to the weapons room, walk to the podium with the weapon, hold A for 5 seconds, hold A for another 5 seconds and exit the sanctuary. I swear I spent half the game choosing which clothes I want to wear, having to scroll through every item before reaching the ones I want.
  2. Clothing - Fable 2 offered loads of choice clothing-wise and even if some found it limiting, all the items looked half decent and added to your stats in some way (evil, pure, aggressiveness, poshness). In Fable 3 choosing the clothes you wear is pointless! There are TEN outfits, seven of which you get through the main quest. You can dye your clothes, but if you want to be evil and dye them midnight black you need to pay £2.69 for ONE TRIVIAL IN-GAME ITEM. You have to buy the game twice at FULL PRICE (£40) IF YOU WANT ALL THE CONTENT (unless you're on PC, in which case it's free, of course).
  3. Magic is overpowered - if you thought magic in Skyrim was overpowered, you've got another thing coming - three fireballs are worth thirty melee attacks.
  4. Boss fight is disappointing and anticlimactic - you don't even get to kill him this time
  5. Short as hell - it took me FOUR HOURS to complete. FOUR. HOURS.
  6. Money is useless - you can only buy clothes (see point 2) and potions (see point 7) so you end up with tonnes of money and nothing to spend it on.
  7. Potions are useless - I only used one health potion and I didn't know if I needed it as you have no health bar. The edges of your screen go red and you have to guess how much you have. Your health regenerates as well, so if you survive a fight with one health point (that you can't see), you automatically recover to full health in between 30 seconds and a minute.
  8. Even more unnecessarily expensive DLC (counts twice)
  9. Combat is boring and repetitive - you barely ever need to change your tactics, and all skills from Fable 2 that you had to collect experience for were hard to get, and fully leveling your character would get you achievements, but now all skills are unlocked (except magic which you get on the road to rule - see point 10)
  10. Road to Rule - an imaginary realm that allows you to level up your weapons (you can't level them as you use them, you have to go there  to do it)
  11. Everywhere is a corridor - there are invisible walls in the middle of a road
I could say more, but I'm going to stop and try to focus on the good points. Hopefully.
  1. Graphics are slightly better - although the world never changes.
  2. You have more control over the story, although it is insignificant as the result is the same.
  3. Dog returns (but is COMPLETELY irrelevant)